Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011

weekend/excess all areas

Hey everyone,
I had a great weekend. It was my free saturday and so I could go to a great party on friday. It was the first "Excess all Areas" party where my boyfriend worked as a DJ. 
I had to work till 8.15 on friday, after supper I went to a friend to get ready for the party.
The party started at the Pumpe and as we arrived the place was crowded with people. There were many friends and the atmosphere was great. The music was great most deathmetal), Marcel hasn't been the only DJ so he coudl come and talk to us. I talked to a lot of people and had a great time. Marcel and I started our way back home I think about 5.30....
Haven't had such a great night for a long time. 
Our saturday started very late....I think it was 2 pm as we woke up :)
It was a very....very lazy saturday!!! In the evening we had the power to do some shopping and after that I made a cornsoup. Very delicious!

Hope you had a great weekend, too.


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